Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cognos TM1 Rules interview questions

Cognos TM1: RULES interview questions.


1)      What is SparseCube
a.       A cube in which number of populated cells as a percentage of total cells is too low
2)      What is Sparse Consolidation Algorithm
a.       This algorithm skips over cells that contain Zero or are empty. This algorithm speeds up consolidation calculation in cubes that are highly sparse.
b.      When consolidating data in cubes that have rules defined, TM1 turns off this sparse consolidation algorithms because one or more empty cells may be calculated by rules.
c.       Skipping rules-calculated cells will cause consolidated totals to be incorrect.
d.      When sparse consolidation algorithm is turned off, every cell is checked for value during consolidation.
3)      What is the logic of Sparsity in cubes
a.       On average, the more dimensions a cube has, the greater the degree of sparsity.
4)      What is Over Feeding
a.        Defining feeders for for consolidated cells. (Feeding a consolidated cell automatically feeds all children of the consolidation.)
5)      What is Under Feeding
a.       Failing to feed cells that contain rules-derived values. This always results in incorrect values and must be avoided at all costs.
6)      How does SKIPCHECK helps TM1
a.       SKIPCHECK forces TM1 to use the Sparse Consolidation algorithm in all cases.
7)      What are FEEDERS
a.       It creates a placeholder on cells so that cells will not be skipped during the consolidation
8)      What is FEEDSTRING
a.       If rule defines string values for any cells, then FEEDSTRINGS must be inserted as the first line of rule.
b.      FEEDSTRINGS declaration ensures that cells containing rules-derived strings are fed.
c.       Every calculation statement in a rule should have a corresponding feeder statement.
9)      What are simple FEEDERS
a.       FEEDERS that are applied to calculation within one dimension of one cube.
10)   How is the FEEDER Statement written when feeding one cube from another
a.       Calculation statement resides in the target cube, but the FEEDER statement should reside in the source cube. 
b.       The Feeder is basically the inverse of the calculation statement in the Target Cube that requires the feeder.
11)      How to Troubleshoot the FEEDERS
a.       Use Rules Tracer to assist in the development and debugging of rules.
b.      Rules Tracer functionality is available in Cube Viewer
12)      How does Rules Tracer help
a.       It traces FEEDERS, it ensures that selected leaf cells are feeding rules-calculated cells properly
b.   It checks FEEDERS, ensures that the children of selected consolidated cells are fed properly. Check Feeders options is available from consolidated cells and its not available from leaf node

Shyam Gohil